

Is it time you were free? Most clients just need two appointments to experience significant change. I am here to help you be more of what and who you want to be.

Free yourself from stress and anxiety

We all experience anxiety from time to time, and feeling anxious is a natural reaction to some situations and can keep us safe.

Unfortunately, sometimes those feelings of anxiety are out of proportion to the situation, and this can then affect your daily life.

Everything can become overwhelming as your world becomes smaller.

Treatment only takes a few sessions, freeing you from the debilitating effects of anxiety and giving you techniques to keep your nervous system in check.

I use hypnotherapy in combination with integrated eye movement therapy and breath work to help you out of those patterns of stress and anxiety.

The therapies I use are safe, drug-free, and you remain in control at all times. Contact me to find out how I can help you, and get your life back on track.

Abolish phobias and fears

I can treat any phobia, there is no need to be embarrassed, whether its fear of flying or a vomit phobia or something more obscure.

Phobias have far reaching consequences, and stop you doing so many things because of the perception of extreme threat.

Phobias are very common and easy to treat with IEMT and or hypnotherapy

Help with Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Let me help you improve or eliminate IBS, cramps, bloating, diarrhoea, the worry about where the nearest toilet is.

It is well established by the medical profession that hypnotherapy is an effective way to help with or eliminate IBS.

Lose weight

Many individuals are struggling with weight management.

Let me help you get on the right track with your  health using hypnotherapy, to reverse bad eating habits and  retuning your mind to automatically make healthier choices.

You will never need to diet again.

Instinctively you’ll find yourself choosing better, eating less and enjoying moving more.

Help with long covid symptoms

Using breath work , gentle yoga and hypnotherapy , you can bring balance to your body and mind. Many sufferers have found this combination helpful in alleviating day to day symptoms of breathlessness, anxiety, IBS, fatigue, brain fog and headache.

Non Sleep Deep Rest / Yoga Nidra

In NSDR you will be awake but your body will be totally relaxed.

Your brain wave frequency will slow down, like when you are sleeping but you will be awake.

This practice allows you to relax quickly and deeply.

There are many benefits :

  • Stress relief
  • Increased memory and learning
  • Improved sleep
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